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How long is a session? 
​A typical bodywork session lasts between 45-65 minutes.
Cranial session are usually 90 minutes.
What should I wear? 
Time is limited and sessions usually require stretching;
t-shirts, tank top, shorts, yoga/sweat pants are suggested.
Is it painful? 
There is no such thing as “No Pain No Gain” when it comes to our treatments. The session may feel uncomfortable but you are in control. The treatment area shouldn’t hurt more than an 8/10 (10 being excruciating). When the tissues tense up, because of pain, while the therapist is applying pressure; bruising, excess pain or tissue damage may occur.
How many sessions will it take to make me feel better?
It all depends on you, how severe the injury is and if there are emotional components accompanied with it. You may see some result as soon as 48 hours with some improved results after your 4th session, only if you listen to therapist suggestions. 
What should I expect after my treatment?
You may feel “yucky” 24-48 hours after the treatment with some flu like symptoms, achiness or soreness, which will pass. Don’t be surprised that your trouble area may feel worse before it feels better. All these are normal responses. 
What can I do to help myself?
After your treatment, the therapist will give you a list of “does and don’ts “ please follow them as closely as possible. 

Soaking in a warm bath of 2-3cups of Epson salt enhances the therapeutic treatment. 
If you have localized pain you may use an ice pack for 20minutes/2-3 times a day. 
Refrain from using pain killers especially during the daytime because pain is an indication that something is not right.

Arnica ointment and tablets along with Tumeric, Bosewilla and MSM are all natural anti-inflammatories that can be used for chronic issues.

What does it mean "get to know your body"?
It’s HTS’s motto. Education is the key to health and recovery. Once you are aware of your issues, conditions and how to get back on track you have all the pieces of the puzzles to not only get back to health but avoid future issues.
What is a holistic bodywork therapist?
We consider ourselves a holistic bodywork therapist because we look at your condition in 3D Body, Mind and Spirit (energy). Its easy to locate your problem area and treat it but its best to predict what may happen to avoid future incidents.
What age do you treat?
Currently we have clients ranging from the age of 2 to 84.
Why HTS? 
Holistic Therapeutic Solutions was founded on the principle that education is the key to great health. HTS believes that if a client is aware of their disorder (not diagnosis) they will be empowered to correct and even prevent future issues. 
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